ViolationsFileMissing=Brota atbur≡askrßin finnst ekki
FileNotFoundMesg=Skrß finnst ekki
TBTNclslog=Hreinsa/Ey≡a atbur≡askrß
Douwanttodelete=Viltu hreinsa atbur≡askrßnna?
Unabletodelete=Gat ekki eytt.
DefaultPrinter=▐a≡ er engin grunn prentari
BtnLoadNew=Hla≡a n²ja flokka
BtnSaveCurrent=Vista n·verandi flokka
BtnMergeBoth=Sameina bß≡a flokka
UpdateMessage=Sumir flokkar hafa breyst af ÷≡ru ferli. viltu...
UpdateDialogForm=Uppfµra innihalds sφu ?
BtnSaveSettings=&Vista stillingar
BtnCancel=&Hµtta vi≡
BtnDefSettings=&Setja ß grunnstillingu
BtnShowKeys=S²na lykkla
ContextTypeTitle=&Setja ß grunnstillingu
AllowinContext=Leyfa φ samhengi
Context-Artistic=Context - Artistic
Context-Educational=Context - Educational
Context-Medical=Context - Medical
Context-Sports=Context - Sports
ContentRatingForm=Innihalds einkanir
ICRAHeader=ICRA Rating Contents
RSACiHeader=RSACi Rating Contents
SafeSurfHeader=SafeSurf Rating Contents
BtnSSDefHint=Stilla aftur ß grunnstillingu
OKBtnHint=Viltu vista breytingarnar sem ger≡ar voru ß einkunnum
CancelBtnHint=Hµtt vi≡ allar breytingar og einkanna gj÷f loki≡
ICRAHint=Merktu vi≡ alla undirflokka sem ß ekki a≡ leyfa
GbContext2Hint=Leyfa ■ennan flokk ef hann kemur framm φ skilgreindu samhengi
RSACiHint=Veldu stig sem er sam■ykkt fyrir hvern flokk
SafeSurfHint=Veldu stig sem er sam■ykkt fyrir hvern flokk
RSACiMemo1=The Recreational Software Advisory Council rating service for the Internet.
RSACiMemo2=Based on the work of Dr.Donal F. Roberts of Standford University, who has studied the effects of media for nearly 20 years.
ICRAMemo1=Internet Content Rating Association ::: Global, cross-cultural rating and filtering system.
SafeSurfMemo1=The SafeSurf SS~~ Rating Standard. Designed with input from thousands of parents and Net citizens to empower each family to make informed sions concerning accessibility of online content.
MSGplsaskforanewregisteredkey=Please ask for new registered key from MicroWorld!
MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Evaluation Key updated, Evaluation Period ends on %s.
MSGinvalidLicensekey=Invalid License Key!
MSGEvaluationperiodover=Evaluation Period Over!%s
MSGremainingforRenewal=day(s) remaining till the end of your Contract Period.
MSGremainingforendofevaluation=day(s) remaining till the end of your Evaluation Period.
MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Your contract period is over! Please renew your License.%s
FRMcaption=Gateway Configuration
PNLhead=Gateway Configuration
GBgeneralconfiguration=General Configuration
LBLsmtplisenport=Mail SMTP Server to Listen on Port:
LBLcheckifsenderdomainisvalid=Check if Sender Domain is Valid Before accepting email
LBLlistoflocaldomains=List of Local Domains
GBInboundMails=Configuration For Inbound Mails:
LBLMailsforLocalDomains=Mails for Local Domains
LBLforwardtohost=Forward to host (TCP-IP Address)
cboutgoing=Outgoing Enabled
cbincoming=Incoming Enabled
GBOutboundMails=Configuration For Outbound Mails:
CBOsmtprelay=Reject unauthorized relaying
GBdnsserversetting=DNS Server Setting:
LBLdnssersveripaddress=DNS Server IP Address:
GBrelaysetting=Relay Setting:
LBLallowrelay=Allow Relay ONLY from User/IP:
GRDlocaldomain=Local Domain
GRDsmtpserveripadd=SMTP-Server IP Address
HINTedsmtport=MS SMTP server binds to this port
HINTCbosenderdomain=Verify Sender Domain Using DNS (Spam Control)
HINTedlocaldomain=Local Domain Name
HINTlstlocaldomainlist=List of Local Domains
HINTbtnaddlocaldomain=Add Domain name to Local Domain List
HINTbtnremovelocaldomain=Delete Domain Name from Domain Name List
HINTedorigdomain=Mails addressed to this domain will be relayed to the IP address
HINTeddestdomain=IP address to which mails have to be relayed
HINTeddestport=Mail server port (default = 25)
HINTGRDdomaingrid=Double click to edit
HINTbtnadddtoipmap=Add domain name to relay mapping
HINTbtndeletedtoipmap=Delete domain name to relay mapping
HINTeddnsname=IP address of DNS server which will be used for query
HINTlstdnsnamelist=List of DNS server used for queries
HINTBTNadddnsname=Add DNS server IP address
HINTBTNdeletednsname=Delete DNS server IP address
HINTedrelayfromipaddress=IP address allowed to relay
HINTlstrelayipaddresslist=List of IP addresses allowed to relay
HINTBTNaddrelayipaddress=Add IP address allowed to relay
HINTBTNdeleterelayipaddress=Delete IP address from "Allowed To Relay" list
MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid domain name specified!
MSGCannotaddhosttolocaldomainsetc=Cannot add host to local domains! Mapping for host already exists in inbound mail configuration. Please delete the entries from inbound mail configuration for host
MSGAtleastonemappingrequiredforPrimaryDomain=Atleast one mapping required for Primary Domain!
MSGAtleastonemappingrequiredforPrimaryDomainForVis=Atleast one Local Domain is required to use VisNetic MailScan for SMTP Servers, therefore you can not delete this Domain.
MSGTheselectedmappingwillbedeletedfromMXrecordsimmediately=The selected mapping will be deleted from MX records immediately! Do you wish to delete entry for
MSGAtleastoneIPmappingforlocaldomain=Atleast one IP mapping for local domain is required. Do you wish to remove local domain
MSGNoDNSIPaddressspecified=No DNS IP address specified!
MSGNorelayinformationforlocaldomain=No relay information for local domain
MSGInvalidSMTPportspecified=Invalid SMTP port specified!
MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes?
MSGNothingtodelete=Nothing to Delete
MSGRestart=Please Restart MailScan Services for changes to take effect.
LOGduplicate=Duplicate entries found in MXCACHE.INI for Domain %s.
MSGduplicate=Duplicate entries found in MXCACHE.INI, Please check MAILADM.LOG for more details.
GRDusername=User Name
CBauthan=Allow Client for Authentication
CBforceauth=Enable Force Authentication
LBLforceauth=IP of Clients to be Forcibly Authenticated
LSTforceauth=Clients in this list will not be allowed to send mails if they do not authenticate
PopMakePrimary=Make Primary
FRMcaption=Edit Local Domain to IP Mapping
lbllocaldomainname=Local Domain Name:
lblLocalMailServerIPaddress=Local Mail Server IP address:
lblmes1=Enter the IP address && TCP Port of the SMTP server
lblmes2=to which mails for this domain should be sent.
MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain Name Specified
MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified!
FRMcaption=Local Domain To IP Mapping
lbllocaldomainname=Local Domain Name
lblLocalMailServerIPaddress=Local Mail-Server IP Address
lblmes1=Enter the IP Address and TCP port of the SMTP Server
lblmes2=to which mails for this domain should be sent
MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain Name Specified
MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified!
LBLAuthentication=Authentication Required
LBLusername=User Name
MSGinvalidusername=Invalid User Name!
MSGinvalidpassword=Invalid Password!
FRMcaption=Scanner Administration
PNLhead=Scanner Administration
GBscannerconfig=Scanner Administration
LBLinputpath=Message Input Path:
LBLprimarydomain=Primary Domain
BTNlocaldomain=Local Domain
LBLreportfilepath=Report File Path:
LBLmaxsize=Max Size (KB)
LBLmaxQuarsize=Max Size (MB)
CBMaxQuarsizeHint=Maximum size of Quarantine Folder (0- Unlimited)